
Bare-covered mushroom poisoning prevention and treatment knowledge

Tag: Three Foldable Umbrella
Bare-mushroom-is a kind of a hallucinogenic effect neurotoxin, containing ciguatoxin nude cover mushroom in Mexico and other related species known as a “sacred mushrooms” or “hallucination mushrooms” in some of Mexico’s indigenous people used in religious ceremonies for hundreds of years. Since the 1970s the 20th century, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and other European countries, with many young people generally eat toxic mushrooms for such entertainment. But long-term or excessive use of such substances will cause nerve poisoning, these mushrooms in the United States were classified as controlled substances. There have also been in China Eating folding umbrella with flowers and poisoning incidents.Naked covered with a mushroom-type mushroomsNaked covered with a mushroom-mushroom nude covered include an umbrella, folding umbrella is a plaque, an umbrella cone covered an umbrella and bare four genera, which is an umbrella covered bare spots and the folding umbrella of some species. Many places in China have also seen a nude cover with the mushroom-mushroom distribution, there are more than 10 types of categories, such as fecal Health spent fold umbrella, bell-shaped flower folding umbrellas, coprophilous nude covered chute.2 poisoning symptoms and MechanismClinical 2.1 poisoning symptomsBare-mushroom poisoning is covered by stimulating the autonomic nervous system and inhibit movement caused by the nervous system. Poisoning symptoms can be divided into three stages. In the first stage of oral 20 to 30 minutes, lasted 10 to 15 minutes, began to plant nerve disorder second stage is the stage of peak symptoms of neuropathy, feeling relatively strong during this period, the disintegration of a personality, a sense of reality loss of time and space sense changes, such as body weight loss. Changes include visual sensory disturbances such as bright and warm colors, especially red and green, somatosensory such as vertigo mind, and spirit of frustration with anxiety, uneasiness. There is also the slow reaction time, concentration, spontaneous without order from the more-distant memories of the experience. In the final stages of a psychotic symptoms gradually disappear, and botanical nerve interference will continue for some time. This period will be accompanied by lethargy, extreme exhaustion and spiritual decadence state. In addition, the peak period will emerge feeling migraine, hyperreflexia, convulsion, tinnitus and feel abnormal. Effect of sympathetic include tachycardia, hypertension, dilated pupils, can cause nausea, abdominal pain. The bare-mushroom-stimulate the sympathetic role, it can cause increased body temperature, blood glucose increased heartbeat accelerated, extending the time symptoms such as hallucinations return, a serious paranoia syndrome.Mechanism 2.2 poisoningBare-mushroom-toxicological mechanisms have not yet been completely clarified that it is usually the first to enter the blood circulation, to arriving at the nervous system, and activate 5 - serotonin receptor, and caused nerve exciting role.3-nude cover mushroom poisoning treatmentBare-mushroom-a major role in the autonomic nervous system, cause nerve stimulation, hallucinogens, and the emergence of serious ventricular tachycardia, dilated pupils, dysuria, but generally not life-threatening.3.1 detoxificationEating in the nude cover with the mushroom-mushroom within one hour Cuitu method can be used ipecac syrup may be the large number of mushrooms vomiting Eating out. As a gastric lavage to stir unpleasant feeling, and the integrity of the mushroom may be plugged stomach, gastric lavage is not generally used. A study showed that, it seems that we do not accelerate Cuitu resume.3.2 drug therapyFor some extreme anxiety, increased disease patients may consider taking nitrogen Zhuo benzophenone 2 (adult 0.2 to 0.5 mg / kg body weight, children 0.1 to 0.5 mg / kg body weight), and sometimes can take chlorpromazine. If the children in provocative acts out of control, they may consider intravenous injection of nitrogen Zhuo benzophenone 2 (0.25 to 0.4 mg / kg body weight), the severe, can be phenobarbital or phenytoin, but in the use of these anticholinergic Drugs, it is necessary to take note of respiratory failure and, if necessary, to use intubation or lung ventilation device.3.3 psychotherapyFor most patients, to provide them quiet and safe environment, calm conversation with the patient, persuasion, the somewhat fear. Many doctors feel that “talk” therapy is a key factor in the success of one.4 PreventionDo not feed wild mushroom,Ensure that health and safety; Mushroom restaurant business enterprises must heighten our vigilance and strict procurement so as to ensure the safety of food.Tags: abdominal, disease, ear, experience, G, Hypertension, lung, migraine, paranoia, poisoning, Pu, TinnitusRelated posts
