
Citywide Spring Cleanup Set for April 26

Tag: Gloves Set

Annual Report for LDEQ's Small MS4 LPDES General Permit No. LAR041015 (AI 94338) is the dry mouthful of a title of the most recent report the City of Slidell submitted to the state Department of Environmental Quality as one of the requirements for the city's permit to discharge treated sewage into local waterways.

Really interesting reading, right? Well, actually, much of it is if you're interested in the aggressive efforts of the city and Keep Slidell Beautiful (KSB) to crack down on litterbugs and to pick up as much as possible of what's left after the crackdown.

"The most significant achievements for this reporting year are the activities of the Keep Slidell Beautiful organization," the report says. "Their focus is on litter prevention, beautification, community improvement and waste reduction ... Partnerships with the business community, civic organizations, homeowner groups, schools and faith-based organizations are being developed through education, participation in programs, and activities to improve the physical environment and quality of life in Slidell."

Page after page of the report details the year-round activities of the quasi-public agency, its various programs, the organization's governing board created by the Slidell City Council, council passage of hide-the-dumpster and hide-the-garbage can ordinances, the hiring of inspectors to enforce the anti-littering and anti-dumping laws, and the like.

Ready to do your part? How about starting by spending a few hours Saturday, April 26, with Slidell's 2008 citywide spring cleanup from 9 a.m. to noon. A free lunch sponsored by the Krewe of Dionysus will be provided for volunteers, the number of which thus far has exceeded 250.

Volunteers will start out at 9 a.m. and fan out to their designated routes across the city in areas where litter tends to accumulate more quickly than others. Group leaders should show up at the park between 8:30 and 9 a.m. In the event of rain, the cleanup will be held Sunday, April 27, from 1 to 4 p.m.

"Come on out and show your civic pride by volunteering at this great event," KSB Executive Director Bill Mauser urged the public. "We'll provide trash bags, safety vests and gloves."

KSB still needs the help of businesses and organization(s) who would like to donate prizes for the workers. For donations, call Mauser at (985) 265-5029. The city can always use more volunteer litter-busters, too. So, if you're just now learning about the cleanup and want to pitch in, just show up at the park before the kickoff.

For more information about Keep Slidell Beautiful and its programs and projects, call Bill Mauser at (985) 265-5029 or Wanda Beelman at (985) 646-4307.
