
Irish foods low in trans fats, high in saturated

Tag: Palm Acid Oil
The results of a survey by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) on the fat content and fatty acid composition of pre-packaged food products reveal that generally, levels of trans-fatty acids in the surveyed products are low. However, the FSAI is urging the food industry to find creative solutions to reformulate products, which still show high levels of saturated fats. One hundred retail food products available on the Irish market were analysed for total fat content and fatty acid profile including trans fatty acids. The samples comprised products which would be expected to naturally contain trans fatty acids such as cheese and products which may include industrial trans fatty acids as a result of the manufacturing process (eg fried food and snacks) or ingredients (eg hydrogenated oil). Results indicate that overall eighty percent of products surveyed contained less than two per cent trans fatty acids as a percentage of total fat. Thirty-three products declared hydrogenated oil as an ingredient. The results of the survey regarding the impact of the use of hydrogenated oils as a possible source of trans fats are indecisive. The survey shows that dried gravies and soups containing hydrogenated oil had the highest concentrations of trans fatty acids overall. However, 64 per cent of products declaring hydrogenated as an ingredient had levels of less than two per cent trans fatty acids as a percentage of total fat. Of these 33 products, 29 were high in saturated fat. Some products such as cereal and milk bars had saturated fat concentrations of more than 84 per cent of their total fat. If the level of trans fat may be lower than expected, the high level of saturated fats identified in the products surveyed represents high health concerns, said the FSAI. Thirty-four per cent of all products surveyed contained more than 50 per cent saturated fat (as a percentage of total fat).
