
New food enhancements prove more palatable

Future foodies may need to thank the papaya for velvety smooth ice cream, a sauerkraut-seeding microbe for hypoallergenic soy sauce, and a type of wild rice for protein-rich pilaf Protein Hydrolysate . Although a wide variety of plants and animals have been the focus of genetic modification, new research is proving that there’s still plenty of room at the table for technologies that enhance what we eat while being more socially palatable to cautious consumers. With a battery of natural additives, simple chemical processes and streamlined hybridization strategies, scientists are coaxing unfamiliar properties out of familiar foods, whether for better nutrition, aesthetics or safety. Three studies published within the past few months, all within the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, demonstrate the wide diversity of successful food-refining strategies. All share at least one common trait, however: a sizeable potential market.
